Based in Long Beach, California, "Teach Me Mr. West" is a blog by Jason West. His posts explore the rewards and challenges of being a highly effective 21st century educator.

Episode #024 - Charter Schools and the Little Strike That Could with Chandler Heath and Joe Aguilar

Episode #024 - Charter Schools and the Little Strike That Could with Chandler Heath and Joe Aguilar

Just when you thought the end of the LAUSD strike meant the end of teacher strikes in Los Angeles...My guests this week are Chandler Heath and Joe Aguilar, charter school teachers in Los Angeles, California, who are currently in day 12 of their teacher strike.

Episode #025 - Chris Lund - Escaping the Egg Carton in Education

Episode #025 - Chris Lund - Escaping the Egg Carton in Education

Episode #023 - Amanda Tooley - The Strike Is OVER...For Now

Episode #023 - Amanda Tooley - The Strike Is OVER...For Now